Monday, 18 November 2019

I think that's a winner!!!!

I love to get pictures of my toys with their forever friends!

It is wonderful to see how much they are loved!

It doesn't matter how old, or young you are - Betsy-toys are always delightful! 😍

Monday, 11 November 2019

My most popular item

I continue to make blankies. Have made over 120 of them now. 

That definitely qualifies them as my most popular item, right?

I always have some blankies made up, for urgent orders. 

I then only need to grab the blankie and make an animal to go on top!

The bunny is always popular

So are elephants

Koalas are a new favourite

Placed on different colours

Occasionally there is an order for a teddy

Puppies are much loved


Teddies still get ordered too!

Now that is colourful!