Monday, 24 June 2019

I did it - another love blanket

I wanted to give blankets of love to one family of nieces and nephews
but I also enjoy orders.

You've heard it before, right?

I love variety!

So, this is the last of my love blankets for this year's birthdays.

It's VERY colourful!!!

We had fun working out which way to put those colours!

There are lots of patterns you can make,
and I am looking forward to trying out some others...
 next time!

Hope all is well in your corner of the world! 

Monday, 10 June 2019

Another blanket of love!

I love the way that the colours in this blanket go SO well together!

They just go...

Wouldn't you agree?

Thought you might like to see the pattern up close

Just perfect for a little girl
hopefully a gift she will treasure all her life!